A. 租場說明 : 1. 手續:租用者可致電或whatsapp THE YARD了解場地使用及租金情况。 2. 租金 : 最少租用 1 小時,其後可以半小時租用,逾時使用本公司會按時收費。(不設15分鐘租用時段) 3. 本公司只會確認三個月內的預約。 4. 包場 : 價錢另議。 5. 商業拍攝(包括電影,微電影,MV,廣告等將會以商業形式向公眾播放) : 如租用場地用作商業拍攝,任何時段均以黃金時段之時租1.5倍起計算, 最少收費兩小時, 包場另議。 6. 由於地板材質限制,本場地不接受穿著高跟鞋跳舞。如有損壞,需要徵收清潔費$500。 B. 基本原則: 1. 租金包括場地準備及收拾時間。 2. 長枱和圓櫈可免費提供指定數量,但須在租用前說明。因供應有限,未必能提供所需數目。 3. 如需要在場地舉辦涉及飲食之活動或其他特別用途,需要另加Party附加費HKD200.00起。詳情請與職員查詢。 4. 場地收費如有調整 ,本公司不作另行通知。 C. 有關繳費 : 1. 租用者須在使用場地前繳付有關費用。如有需要可向本公司職員領取正式收據。 2. 若租用者欲更改租場時間或日期, 其須在使用場地前最少24小時前通知本中心。如因場地已被其他人士租用等原因以致不能改動租用時間 ,申請人可將已繳的費用作日後租場之用。 3. 租用者如取消租用場地,必須在使用場地前最少48小時前通知本公司,如租用者在48小時內通知本公司取消使用場地 ,租用者亦需繳付總場租之50%。如租用者在使用場地前24小時才通知本公司取消使用場地,租用者亦需繳付全部租場費用 。 4. 如因懸掛 8 號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告訊號,以致租用 / 使用者不能使用場地,可選擇更改租用日期及時間,或要求退款。 5. 如租用 / 使用者於使用房間時,突然懸掛八號風球或以上或發出黑色暴雨警告,本公司則須照常收取房租。 6. 如八號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告在本公司開放前發出,本公司將暫停開放。一般情況下,當天文台除下八號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告兩小時內,本公司會恢復開放,當日運作會儘快回復正常。若下午八時後除下八號風球或黑色暴雨警告,當天晚上本公司則仍停止開放。如八號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告在本公司開放後發出,本公司將讓會員留於單位內,確保安全情況下離開。以上安排視乎各區實際天氣而定,如遇以上情況,請致電舉辦單位查詢。本會保留修改以上條款的權利。 D. 租用/使用場地守則 : 1. 租用/使用者須遵守本公司定的「租用/使用場地守則」。 2. 租場/使用者若違反本規則,本中心有權停止其租用場地之權利。 3. 租用/使用者須準時交還場地, 租用時間包括場地準備及收拾 , 逾時者將按時收取額外費用。 4. 租用/使用者必須保持場地清潔,及確保使用場地後室內物品按原位擺設。廢物須用膠袋裝好,放於指定位置。 5. 租用/使用者如攜來道具物品,必須獲本中心批准及按指示自行放置妥當。在交還場地時,需立即及完全拆除及搬走所攜來之道具物品。 6. 未經本公司許可,租用/使用者不得在本中心範圍內擺放任何物品或張貼指示、 通告或任何宣傳物品 。 所有有關活動之海報,當租用完畢後,須立即拆除及搬走。 7. 租用/使用者不得擅自移動或拆除場地內的固定設施,使用房間後所有檯椅 、 設備及用品須安放回原位及維持原狀 。 8. 租用/使用者須自行申請及領取各項/舉行活動所需之有效牌照。 9. 本場地範圍內,一律禁止吸煙。 10. 本場地範圍內嚴禁任何形式的賭博行為 。 11. 嚴禁攜帶違禁品、危險物品或不雅物品進入本公司範圍。 12. 租用期間,所有設施如有損毀、破壞或遺失,租用/使用者須賠償本公司損失 。 13. 租用/使用者於本公司場地內進行活動時引致的人身傷亡或財物遺失、損壞 ,本公司概不負責 。租用/使用者需就有關之活動購買適當的保險及負責活動參加者之安全。 14. 辦公室、接待處及非租借之地方均為本公司私人範圍,未經許可不得擅進。 15. 租用/ 使用者的一切活動與本公司無關,本公司不會承擔任何責任。租場/使用者明白及同意其一切活動均須符合香港特別行政區的法例 。 16. 本公司保留場地租用/使用規則的修改及最終解釋權 。 |
A. Rental Guideline:1. If interested, please call or whatsapp The Yard for further information about the usage of the studio and the rental price.
2. Rental Price: Minimum of 1 hour rental, after that half-hour session is allowed. For Overtime usage users will count as 1 hour rental fee. (15-minute rental time is not available) 3. We only accept booking within 3 months. 4. Quatation is needed for making a block booking. 5.Commercial shooting (Movie, short film, MV, advertisement ,etc which will be publish in social media) will be charged as Golden hour rent X 1.5 each hour up, and at least 2 hours booking should be made. For further information please contact us. 6.Due to the limitation of the floor texture, we don't accept heels dance at our venue. If there is any damage, a cleaning fee of $500 will be charged. B. Basic Principles:1. Time for venue preparation and tidy up are included in the rental time.
2. Certain amount of long tables and stools are free of charge, please request upon booking. The supply is subject to availability; The Yard does not guarantee the quantity of items we can provide. 3. If the function includes FOOD AND DRINK or other special function, a PARTY FEE HKD200.00 up will be charged. Please discuss with our staffs for further details. 4.The Yard does not inform users if there is further adjustment on rental change. C. About Payment: 1. Users have to settle all payment before they use the venue. Receipt is upon request, please contact our staff.
2. If there is a need to change the rental time / date, users has to notify The Yard 24 hours before the original time. If the timeslot is not available and changes cannot be made, the payment can be saved for next time usage. 3. If there is a need to CANCEL the booking, please notify The Yard 48 hours ahead to avoid cancellation fee. If users notify The Yard within 48 hours, users will have to pay 50% of the rental fee. If users notify THE YARD within 24 hours, users are required to pay the FULL PAYMENT of the rental fee. 4. If users are unable to use the venue because of typhoon no.8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning, users can choose to change the date & time or ask for a refund. 5. If typhoon no.8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning occurs during the booking period. Users are required to pay the rental fee as usual. 6. If typhoon signal no.8 or above / black rainstorm warning is on before our opening hours, The Yard will be closed. In general, The Yard will resume to duty within 2 hours after the typhoon/rainstorm signal is down. If the signal is down at 8pm or after 8pm, The Yard will remain closed. If the typhoon/ rainstorm signal is on during our opening hours, Members are required to stay in The Yard until it is safe to leave. Arrangements are subject to weather conditions, please contact us for enquiry. D. Rules and Regulation when using the premises:1. User must strictly follow the rules provided by the studio.
2. If the user doesn’t comply with the terms provided, the staff has the right to cancel their booking on the spot and user will be asked to leave the studio. 3. Please return the studio on time. Rental Time includes preparation time and tidy up time. Overtime on use of studio will be charged. 4. Please maintain cleanliness at all times when using the studio. Trash are to be placed in a bag and dropped off at a designated area. 5. Any outside equipment that may need to be brought into the venue, users will need permission from the staff at the studio. All outside equipment must be dismantled and removed from the premises when booking time is finish. No outside equipment can be left in the studio when not in use. 6. Any poster or signage that would be put up in the studio will need permission from the staff. Please remove all posters and signage from studio when the booking time is over. 7. Any furniture or equipment that belongs to studio cannot be removed or dismantled without permission from staff. Everything must be returned to its original place before leaving the studio. 8. Licenses will not be provided by the staff. User will have to obtain these licenses on their own. 9. Smoking is prohibited within the premises. 10. Any form of gambling is not permitted in the premises. 11. Any dangerous firearms and illicit materials strictly not allowed in the studio. 12. Penalty charge will be held against the user if any damages occur within the studio. 13. We are not responsible for any loss or damage of any personal belongings/injuries. Insurance for the use of the studio will have to be provided by the user. The studio will not be responsible for any accident that occurs during the time of the booking. 14. User are not allowed to enter any restricted area or other areas that exclusively for staff only. 15. All activities that occur with the studio should abide by Hong Kong Law. The studio will not be responsible for actions of the user during the time of the booking. 16. The studio staff has the right to amend the rules and regulations of the studio at any given time and when it comes to relaying these regulations to the user. |